Exhibit Opening: Monuments to an Effigy

Join Queens Memory for the opening reception of “Monuments to an Effigy,” a collage, sculpture, and sound installation by artist Alexandria Smith, inspired by the history of the Olde Towne of Flushing Burial Ground and Flushing’s Macedonia A.M.E. Church. Queens Memory is excited and proud to have provided the artist with research materials we collected through a collaboration with students in the Queens College Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. The exhibit will run from April 7 through August 18.

See the Queens Museum’s event announcement for the full afternoon’s schedule: https://www.facebook.com/events/576388722842197/

(Image: Alexandria Smith, GloryGlory…, 2019 (detail). Mixed media collage installation on canvas and wood. Courtesy of the artist.)


Apr 07 2019


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Queens Museum
New York City Building, Corona, NY 11368

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