Volunteers in the Vaults
This special Volunteers in the Vaults event will be hosted by the staff of the Queens College Library’s Department of Special Collections and Archives. Highlighted treasures will include materials from the recently donated collection of former Congressman Joe Crowley, including a copy of the Affordable Care Act with a personal note from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the pen she used to sign the legislation (see photo); documentation of Queens College student participation in 1964’s historic Mississippi Freedom Summer, during which alum Andrew Goodman was murdered; correspondence between writer (and QC alum) Ann Birstein and many literary giants of the 20th century; and historic photos of the college itself. Light refreshments will be served; attendees will also have the chance to discuss their ideas for Queens-related oral history projects and network with Queens Memory volunteers and staff.
We will meet in room 323, the library’s main floor conference room. Non-Queens College attendees, please bring photo ID and sign in at the library’s security desk. RSVP to digitalarchives@queenslibrary.org